Are you required to Report Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) for Your Business?

Beneficial Ownership Information

What is the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?
Small Entity Compliance Guide
  • Review Your Business Structure: Assess whether your business is structured as a corporation, LLC, or similar entity, and determine whether you have individuals who meet the criteria of beneficial owners under the CTA. If your business was created after 1/1/2024, you may also need to identify applicants.
  • Identify Beneficial Owners: Identify individuals who own or control a significant ownership interest in your business, including those who hold 25% or more of the equity interests or have substantial control over the entity.
  • Gather Necessary Information: Collect the required information about your beneficial owners, including their full legal names, dates of birth, addresses, and Social Security numbers or other identifying information.
  • Submit Reporting to FinCEN: If your business falls under the reporting requirements of the CTA, ensure that you submit the necessary beneficial ownership information to FinCEN in a timely manner by the due dates listed below and when their are changes to the beneficial ownership or any of the information submitted to FinCEN with your initial BOI report.

BOI Report Due Dates

Penalties for BOIR Violations

Consider seeking advice from legal or financial professionals to ensure compliance and avoid potential civil and criminal penalties imposed for violations of the BOIR.

Corporate Transparency Act BOI Reporting