Pro Bono & Community Service

We believe in using our legal expertise to make a positive impact in our community. As dedicated legal professionals, we are committed to providing pro bono services and engaging in community service initiatives to support those in need and contribute to the greater good.

Pro Bono Legal Services

We are proud to offer pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations who may not have the means to access legal representation otherwise. Our pro bono work encompasses a wide range of practice areas, including but not limited to family law, immigration law, landlord-tenant disputes, and civil rights matters. We understand the importance of equal access to justice, and we are honored to use our skills and resources to help those facing legal challenges.

Community Service

In addition to our pro bono work, we are actively involved in community service initiatives aimed at addressing various social and legal issues affecting our community. Whether it’s volunteering at local legal clinics, participating in community clean-up efforts, or organizing educational workshops, we are dedicated to giving back and making a difference in the lives of others. We understand the importance of equal access to justice, and we are honored to use our skills and resources to help those facing legal challenges.

Pro Bono and Community Service Commitment

Our Impact

Through our commitment to pro bono work and community service, we have been able to make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and families facing legal obstacles. By providing free legal assistance in areas, including but not limited to family law, immigration law, landlord-tenant disputes, and civil rights matters and engaging in community outreach activities, we strive to promote fairness, equality, and access to justice for all members of our community.

Since 2007, members of our firm have been actively involved in the Wills for Heroes program, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to serving the brave men and women who selflessly protect our communities. As dedicated volunteer attorneys for Wills for Heroes, our firm has generously donated time and legal expertise to provide essential estate planning services to first responders, including police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. By drafting wills, powers of attorney, and other critical estate planning documents, our firm has helped ensure that these courageous individuals and their families have the peace of mind knowing their affairs are in order, even in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Our unwavering dedication to supporting our local heroes through the Wills for Heroes program exemplifies our member’s compassion, integrity, and commitment to making a positive impact in our community.

Are you a first responder?

Everyone has the power to effect positive change, and we encourage our clients, colleagues, and community members to join us in our efforts to make a difference. Whether you’re interested in volunteering your time, supporting a local cause, or partnering with us on community service projects, we welcome your participation and collaboration.